Buddy Can You Spare A Dimension


The World of small things.

When I was opening up spiritually probably about the time of the first Iraq war, I was bombarded with authority figures turning up and telling me what I was doing wrong and giving me a hard time.

One event I remember is one night when driving back from the pub, a police car suddenly pulled up behind me after I got back home. I had probably drunk about three or four pints and the policeman smelt the alcohol on my breath and I found myself breathing into the breathalyser to see if I was ‘Over The Limit’. I can’t remember the exact colours but I was told that if the light turned green then that was OK but if it turned red then that meant I was over the limit. Breathing into a breathalyser requires a big breath I discovered and it took a couple of attempts.

Very kindly the policeman held the breathalyser in front of me so I could see it clearly. I’m not sure exactly how long it took but I think he held it for about 30 secs and at the end of the required time it was showing green but he kept it going and about ten seconds later it turned red. And he commented ‘You are very lucky’. Looking back what occurs to me is that it wasn’t a random event and that it was a manifestation of an inner struggle between spirit and my ‘ego’ going on within me and the policeman was the ‘Guilt’ and the Boss man showing up. Whenever people turn up now saying they are the Boss, I understand it now and I smile.

I can remember clearly during the quantum 30 sec period waiting for the result from the toximeter, my future life flashed before me. There is a mandatory one year driving ban for failing the breathalyser and a world without a car showed up and problems with work and my social life appeared in the mind screen. At present I am seeing a quantum reality and I wonder now what happened to the quantum possibility where I failed the breath test.

Which leads into the present.

The many rooms at the Hilbert Hotel.



Buddy. Can you spare a dimension ?




Over the last few month or so I’ve been coming across lots of No Access and Not Allowed For Security Reasons signs but normally there’s a way round them. If you follow all the rules, you miss all the fun.




And Ignore All Those Big Warning Signs.



And the Garden and the OA and the Fourth Wall. Or maybe an infinite number of Walls.






Forget Me Nots.




A Rose by any other name.



It’s nearly Sumer Time.


17 thoughts on “Buddy Can You Spare A Dimension

    1. Roob

      When you’ve worked it out !

      And Jameel fits with a repeat pattern over the last few months with the Middle East.

      Also it was outside Urban Decay. Pope Francis visited the Ziggurat at Ur in Iraq on 3/6 in US money.

      And about flying and Stanley.

      It’s Lionel Mandrake’s funeral tomorrow. This is a weird weird and bazaar world.

    1. Jack

      I came across this tower a week or so ago. It’s a Folly.

      I haven’t followed through with the train of thought yet but the idea of Folie a Deux popped into my mind. Shared madness.

      ‘Folie à deux (‘madness [shared] by two’), also known as shared psychosis or shared delusional disorder (SDD), is a psychiatric syndrome in which symptoms of a delusional belief, and sometimes hallucinations, are transmitted from one individual to another. The same syndrome shared by more than two people may be called folie à… trois (‘three’) or quatre (‘four’); and further, folie en famille (‘family madness’) or even folie à plusieurs (‘madness of several’).’



        1. Jack

          Mass psychosis.

          ‘Folie à deux (‘madness [shared] by two’), also known as shared psychosis or shared delusional disorder (SDD), is a psychiatric syndrome in which symptoms of a delusional belief, and sometimes hallucinations, are transmitted from one individual to another. The same syndrome shared by more than two people may be called folie à… trois (‘three’) or quatre (‘four’); and further, folie en famille (‘family madness’) or even folie à plusieurs (‘madness of several’).’


  1. Frank’s morning email included this lovely picture during one of his Neural Journeys into Redhill. The long stem flower is called, among other names, Royal Crown (Corona, Crown Chakra) and among the Daffodils…Bluebonnets! 🙂



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