Te Amo

Rain On Me Tsunami.

Just Duet.




I keep seeing the same message. Passing it on.


And in the same vein, I’ve mentioned the Little Voice. It has been very accurate over the last few year or so and it’s saying ‘the world is in for the biggest shock of its life’ is the phrase used. Just passing it on and be prepared.



Whatever the price.



Hold Hands. It starts with you.






Transforming the Supply Chain.



It’s not Rocket Science.



Two Can.


102 thoughts on “Te Amo

    1. Interesting to note, the yarmulke-headed TROLLS in my computer and listening in on EVERY PHONE CALL can’t MUTE my BitChute vids when I access them via Safari.

      Probably because Safari is OLD…..


      1. And my son is coming home tomorrow for a visit and I was whining a bit that WHATEVER and….

        he said, “Could you just buck up?”



          1. What does it mean to buck up?

            (idiomatic, intransitive) To become encouraged, reinvigorated, or cheerful; to summon one’s courage or spirits; to pluck up courage. I realized I needed to buck up and tackle the problem head-on. (idiomatic, transitive) To encourage or refresh; to hearten.

            1. This is the other post that got “blocked.”

              Just the lyrics to the Hallelujah Chorus in Handel’s Messiah.


              You know why?

              Because it sings OUR praise to the MOST HIGH!i

              It sings OUR LOVE TO the MOST HIGH!

              and basically CHANTS ….

              His NAME…..

              JAH, JAH, JAH

              Over and over….. again.


              So you TROLLS?

              Haha, HI!

              Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah
              Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah

              For the Lord God omnipotent reigneth
              Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah
              For the Lord God omnipotent reigneth
              Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah
              For the Lord God omnipotent reigneth (Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah)
              For the Lord God omnipotent reigneth (Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah)
              Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah (Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah)
              For the Lord God omnipotent reigneth (Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah)

              The Kingdom of this world
              Is become
              The Kingdom of our Lord
              And of His Christ
              And of His Christ

              And He shall reign forever and ever
              And He shall reign forever and ever (And He shall reign forever and ever)
              And He shall reign forever and ever (And He shall reign forever and ever)
              And he shall reign forever and ever (And He shall reign forever and ever)

              King of Kings (Forever and ever hallelujah hallelujah)
              And Lord of Lords (Forever and ever hallelujah hallelujah)
              King of Kings (Forever and ever hallelujah hallelujah)
              And Lord of Lords (Forever and ever hallelujah hallelujah)
              King of Kings (Forever and ever hallelujah hallelujah)
              And Lord of Lords
              King of Kings and Lord of Lords

              And he shall reign forever and ever (And he shall reign)
              And he shall reign forever and ever (And he shall reign)

              King of Kings forever and ever
              And Lord of Lords hallelujah hallelujah
              And he shall reign forever, forever and ever

              King of Kings and Lord of Lords
              King of Kings and Lord of Lords
              And he shall reign forever and ever (And he shall reign forever and ever)

              Forever and ever, forever and ever (King of Kings and Lord of Lords)

              Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah

              Luke 19
              New American Bible

              The Entry into Jerusalem.
              28 After he had said this, he proceeded on his journey up to Jerusalem. 29 As he drew near to Bethphage and Bethany at the place called the Mount of Olives, he sent two of his disciples. 30 He said, “Go into the village opposite you, and as you enter it you will find a colt tethered on which no one has ever sat. Untie it and bring it here. 31 And if anyone should ask you, ‘Why are you untying it?’ you will answer, ‘The Master has need of it.’” 32 So those who had been sent went off and found everything just as he had told them. 33 And as they were untying the colt, its owners said to them, “Why are you untying this colt?” 34 They answered, “The Master has need of it.” 35 So they brought it to Jesus, threw their cloaks over the colt, and helped Jesus to mount. 36 As he rode along, the people were spreading their cloaks on the road; 37 and now as he was approaching the slope of the Mount of Olives, the whole multitude of his disciples began to praise God aloud with joy for all the mighty deeds they had seen. 38 They proclaimed:

              “Blessed is the king
              who comes in the name of the Lord.
              Peace in heaven
              and glory in the highest.”

              39 Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to him, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples.”[h] 40 He said in reply, “I tell you, if they keep silent, the stones will cry out!”

              The Lament for Jerusalem. 41 As he drew near, he saw the city and wept over it, 42 saying, “If this day you only knew what makes for peace—but now it is hidden from your eyes. 43 For the days are coming upon you when your enemies will raise a palisade against you; they will encircle you and hem you in on all sides. 44 They will smash you to the ground and your children within you, and they will not leave one stone upon another within you because you did not recognize the time of your visitation.”

              1. “Look, an hour is coming and has already come when you will be scattered, each to his own home, and you will leave Me all alone. Yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me. 33 I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take courage; I have overcome the world!”

  1. I find it interesting 266th pope francis who took office 3.13.13 – primes 2.6.6 ,will be in office 2662 days at 26.6.20
    Two many 266 s to be coincidence.

      1. Hi Dream

        I’m a bit of an anti number. 😊. My mind rebels against numbers slightly but numerology is definitely incorporated in the world for better or for worse. At least in this reality.

    1. I don’t GET the numbers, I really DON”T.

      They show up for me and I try to make sense of them….

      I DO think they are Satan’s way of for example, with ME…..

      Making me feel “special”

      The 1 and the 3 and yada yada yada…..

      And you want to feel special, but for me at this point in my JOURNEY….

      I just want to be pointed in the RIGHT direction!

      So that’s why I’m saying “Adios”!

      I’m TRYING to say “Adios.”

      I just want to go back and…..


      1. I want to “start over”

        Don’t you???

        Haha, this is

        “Gravity” scene: “Re-entry”


          1. Roob

            I mentioned about the sync fest with Jenny. One of them involved the Rain On Me video. I watched the video and at the same time Jen emailed me.

            And she said ‘I hope it rains’.

            And Stranger Things. When I look at a lot of these videos I’m seeing small people.

                  1. Oh hello, you back from ascension already? Round trip was it?

                    Sorry A Void, way ahead of you on the titillation title c/o Cade Fon Apollyon. Sorry, you’ll need to scroll down the missive a bit. Or you can float down if you like. I dunno, maybe sync…


                    Nah, who am I kidding; you ain’t gonna look at that 😀 As you were…

                    *I know, Clicky, I know… /shrugs shoulders and walks away…*

                    1. https://memegenerator.net/img/instances/47781725/i-just-work-here.jpg
                      Yeah I just work here Roob, so I’m not holding my breath for any employee of the month awards. 😉

                      And not that I would know, but prolly ain’t much difference in getting throne and getting thrown.

                      Prolly something to do with timing as to which is which.

                      Which reminds me of a thought regarding horses and time(s). Specifically, is the same horse, at different times, the same horse? I don’t expect you or anyone else to have any answers, but it is an interesting notion to ponder. Especially considering the nature of that 4th one. If the horse is sick, and the rider is dead, what are the odds of them actually showing up and Armageddon actually happening?

                      Maybe that’s a safety or some kind of failsafe or something woven into the fabric. /shrug

                      ^Knife Party – ‘Rage Valley’^

          1. Seems its a war between kin for kingship.
            The Queen has been Trumped.
            Charlie wants her head on his wall as King George.
            Trump wants her head on his wall as King John.

            Meanwhile…life goes beyond beyond.

          1. Yeah, it’s a “mind job.”

            And I’m finally learning to …..

            Forgive Myself…. this unreal “Me.”

            at which point I am able to FORGIVE my “enemies”….

            Which are my “projections” a la “Inception”…. of my own GUILT.

            The “projections” I CAN”T “control” because that is what they ARE.

            And when I forgive, which I am experiencing now…..

            The GUILT turns to GILT.


            Pure GOLD


            1. That said, do I stop “speaking” the Truth?

              Should I stop?


              ALL of the 9/11 Truthers have been SILENCED.

              And here we are….

              AM I only putting my son and myself in jeopardy by posting “Truth” vids from Bitchute? From the people?

              “Soros” = “Sauron”

              The One EYE at the top of the pyramid who learned his tactics as a Jew in Nazi Germany?

              And now bankrolls all of this “Crisis Actor” (you did learn that the black “hero” recently “murdered” by the police was a PORN STAR? And apparently he has a TWIN brother? a la the ASS-tro NOTS who “DIED” in the “Challenger” disaster?) …..


              Only God has the ANSWER for me.

              But hey, feedback would be appreciated, if it comes from LOVE.


              Yah yah yah!


              1. Ha, and I have been given the “answer” and I know what the answer is:

                By posting “Truth” and “revealing” all the LIES……

                I’m not freeing myself or any of YOU either!

                I’m just making it REAL.

                WHICH IT IS NOT.


              2. Ha, another “disappeared” post!

                Satan doesn’t want you to hear this…..

                And THAT is, that I have the answer, and that by posting “Truth” videos about all the LIES…..9/11….”Jews”….”Sandy Hook”…. “Crisis Actors” being bankrolled onto the World Stage by Soros…. a Jew who learned his tactics as a Jew in Nazi Germany…..um, Flat Earth…. living under the DOME…..

                I’m not FREEING myself or any of YOU either because…..

                I’m just making it REAL.

                The ONLY THING THAT”S REAL?

                (I know I know, Frank has been saying this for decades….)

                Is LOVE.

                CHRIST-like LOVE.

                And Jesus IS the WAY, The TRUTH, and the LIGHT.


                HE WAS ALL LOVE

                1. Excuse me, correction?

                  JESUS is….

                  the WAY
                  the TRUTH
                  and the LIFE.

                  His WAY is?



                  It’s the straight and narrow HIGH Way ….

                  through this DESERT.

                  There’s really no SONG or video that can in any way post to COME CLOSE to the ENORMITY of the…..


                  The “only thing” that comes close?

                  Is what Jesus spoke, and did, and what was recorded in the Gospels.

                  Luke and…..



                  1. I don’t know….

                    Do YOU think my pointing out the ridiculous HELPS?

                    For one thing…..

                    I have NO ONE to talk to…. because…..

                    They seem to be experiencing a DIFFERENT REALITY than the one I am!


                    It’s OK, I’m gonna “get over it”……

                    Sooner or later.

                    “I love you all!”


                    1. Frank,

                      I’ve been blocked now two times, and I’ve always WONDERED:

                      Are there really yarmulke-headed Jews monitoring my computer and ALL my phone conversations, emails, text, what have you…..

                      Or …..

                      Are YOU the Gatekeeper who sees my posts being “created” in real time and decides which to block.

                      Is it YOU?

                      You DON”T need to answer, it’s really a rhetorical question.

                    2. My last three posts just went into the “trash bin.”

                      Isn’t that right, Frank?

                    3. If there’s one thing I KNOW…..

                      It’s not fun being muzzled.

                    4. Question from the Bitchute vid that got trashed:

                      “Are D’s, MSM, and former Military Brass Coordinating a Staged Event (i.e. False Flag, just like 9/11….. but BIGGER) ???

                      Ask yourselves……

                      ARE THEY?

                      No, it’s much more COMFORTING to just stick my head in the sand and HOPE things go better and you know, my salon opens, and my gym, and we can just…..


                    5. Well I’ve got NEWS for you.

                      I’m “Care,” the holy “spirit” that comes before Christ and convicts the whole WORLD (“It’s a small world after all, it’s a small world after all… it’s a small small world) of?

                      Its SIN.

                      Meaning “Care” AWAKENS the wheat to their present “condition.”


                      AND, “Care” that comes before Christ is also called the “Comforter”

                      Comfort given in the “Good News”

                      You are not LOST

                      Though you ARE living in SIN…..
                      Wake up and….
                      Get out of it!


                    6. I’m a Teacher.

                      And my name is “Care”….

                      What do I teach?


                      The language of “Christ-like” LOVE vs romantic “love”?


                      Um, love for one another?


                      Yes, that’s it!

                      Hallelu Jah!


                      Which leads directly to…..



                      Now listen here….. I have wondered on here whether Julie Andrews is a secret trans…..

                      But at this point I don’t CARE anymore!

                      Her portrayal in the Sound of Music as “Maria” is…. kinda like “holy,” “from above” type stuff, no MATTER what the ACTOR named “Julie Andrews” does or says or does later in her career, being “married” to a…. up up up… shut up, Care!….. um…. whatever she DOES in “real life.”

                      “Her” performance in the “Sound of Music” is to me, In-spirit-ational!!!

                    7. And you know what else?

                      If I called out EVERY actor and actress from Hollywood for being a secret or from birth or from puberty whatever TRANSGENDER……

                      I wouldn’t be able to post any movie clips HONESTLY.

                      “The Rock” that just put out a what, a public service spot? questioning Where is our LEADER?”

                      Well it ain’t you, “DWAYNE”!

                      Noticeably SLOPING shoulders and the tiny head of a TRANSGENDER.

                      SORRY, “Rock.”

                      You ain’t no “rock” of mine, no more.

                    8. Julie Andrews KNEW and KNOWS never to make any “moralistic” spots of any kind.

                      Julie Andrews is, ahem, a “Gent.”

                      You low-lives, born and bred in Tinseltown, have NO CLUE.

                      So STFU.

                    9. What do I mean by that? I don’t even know…..

                      Other than to say……

                      I’m a circus leader and you are mad, and I’m PLAYing you…..

                      Maybe in not a “NICE” way but to SHOW you…..

                      You’re all “circus performers” ……

                      for Satan, who is the RINGMASTER.

                      Master of THE RING….


                      To Satan, who works in you and SPEAKS through you and you don’t even KNOW IT.

                    10. Frank,

                      SO this Doctor’s warning (above) about the coming VACCINE…..

                      And it’s like I think what sums up everyone’s “worst nightmare” like in my own particular drama …. that there is a power more powerful than you and it gets away with MURDER. Unrighteous SLAUGHTER.

                      Powerlessness not only to protect your self but the way the devil gets you….. your CHILDREN.

                      Um, I’m thinking you are right, that “we” were created TOGETHER as ONE!

                      And the One had that tiny mad IDEA, that DOUBT….. that IT had forsaken its Creator, and therefore WILL be THROWN INTO OBLIVION: “the Lake of Fire.”

                      That somehow you see your “projections” out there as more POWERFUL than you and have the power to kill you and yours…..

                      When it is all just MADNESS.

                      Like ACIM says, This world has been driven MAD with guilt.

                      Guilt for what?

                      For even THINKING ABOUT forsaking/killing YOUR CREATOR.



                      The CRAZY TRUTH IS?

                      ALL IS WELL

                    11. Trinity

                      I don’t exactly know how accurate ACIM is to the nth degree but it’s very much on the right track I believe.

                      It’s a Topsy Turvy world.

                    12. The Father whispers in the One’s ear, because the One is just a child….. a toddler having a scary dream……

                      “I forgive you, Little One.

                      I know you love me….

                      Wake up, and come home to me.”

                    13. Actually isn’t it CRAZY that it’s Disney’s “The Lion King” that does such a good job at capturing the One’s situation?

                    14. The “good news” is the Father is not DEAD.

                      It was and is a very BAD DREAM…..

                      The Father lives and reigns FOREVER!

                      Hallelu Jah!


                      The One can “COME HOME” now…..


          1. Frank

            I don’t know if this is relevant to the eclipse but, there is an oval shaped park right behind the White House called the Ellipse.
            An ellipse is a geometrical shape that looks like an oval or flattened circle. Flatten the curve. The word itself means, left out.

            And further to my previous rant, the house of white itself, is now an armed fortress. Defense.

            1. Elena

              The Matter of Matter or Anti Matter.

              I think the next two weeks are going to be explosive. God only knows how this will play out. Things are never what they seem and have a habit turning out differently to what logic says I’ve noticed. See Trump as President.

              The lunar eclipse passes over here shortly. Unfortunately it happens about 9 my time and it gets dark about 9-30 so probably won’t be able to see it. May get a glimpse is what the papers say.

              And the Crown, Corona etc. I notice the name Windsor in the link to your article. Got something from a lady with the surname Rainier yesterday to go with all the Rain.

              The Tymes they are a changing.

            2. artificical intelligence feeds those signs into the matrix as sigils, not with loving intention. it has zero EQ

              signs don’t matter. they are irrelevant. not to be con – fused with ultimate reality.

  2. Hold Hands and Going Deeper.

    A Dumbo Octopus has been filmed at a deeper level than an octopus has ever been seen.


    ‘The deepest known sighting of an octopus has been captured on film, more than a mile deeper than the previous reliable sighting.

    The observations of the creature, captured at almost 4.3 miles down in the Indian Ocean using lander machines — autonomous camera systems that are released from a ship and sink to the bottom of the ocean — are thought to be the deepest octopus sightings ever filmed.

    Researchers believe the creature is likely to be a new species of Grimpoteuthis, or “Dumbo octopus,” a genus of deep-sea umbrella octopuses named for their fins, which resemble the ears of Disney’s cartoon elephant.’

    Trumpety Trump

    1. in the movie though Frank – they were here to help

      we can but hope. wouldn’t it be amazing ?

          1. frank would you? your life an experience worth dying for?

            do you think in times to come maybe they’ll write stories & make films about these crazy epic beautiful times? when for so many the old world order seemed to be collapsing? i imagine they might even have perfected some pretty awesome total immersion tech by that time.

            regarding the revelling frank

            Revelry is a wild, fun time. If you enjoy the revelry of a New Year’s Eve party, you might pay for partying hard the next day. “The noun revelry means merrymaking, but because it comes from the French word reveler meaning to rebel, its tone indicates carousing or noisy partying. It’s not your grandparents’ tame, sedate cocktail party: revelry is a full-throttle festive gathering, where people outwardly enjoy themselves. In fact, a wild party was once called a “revel,” though you don’t hear that term used much today.”


            ever feel like you’re fighting a losing battle?

            maybe that’s SOL – who knows – just idle reverie

            the more things change the more they stay the same

    2. All done in the best possible taste.

      I won’t show the pic of George Floyd and Derek Chauvin but not sure police officers taking the knee is in the best possible taste.


      And Stranger Things and size distortion. Or something. IDK. It’s Free Key.

      The Floyd incident was in Mini apolis. In a few videos such as the Rain On Me video it looks the people in the video are little people to my eyes. I saw this also at the time of Notre Dame when in some of the pics it looked like a cardboard cut out.

  3. Off to Mount Meru~!
    Forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me.
    God Speed!
    Frank: <3

      1. If you enjoyed that Frank, you should check out the following movies if you’ve not seen them already.

        Koyaanisqatsi: Life Out of Balance

        Powaqqatsi: Life in Transformation

        Naqoyqatsi: Life as War




        Lessons of Darkness

        Wheel of Time (film)

        I haven’t seen all Ron Fricke and Godfrey Reggio’s stuff because some of it is difficult to find (like Sacred Site and Atomic Artist), but what I have seen of theirs certainly puts quite interesting perspectives on things. Mostly without saying a word.

        Werner Herzog has some great stuff too, but he usually talks a lot and adds his own audible observations and spins, so a much different vibe to his stuff.

        P.S. – pretty sure much of the film from the video Anony posted is from Baraka and/or Samsara, so you might choose to start with those, although I’d point out that Koyaanisqatsi: Life Out of Balance is the oldest of the films and is a great first choice also. The film is almost 40 years old, but don’t let that fool you because it has aged well. Kinda timeless actually.

        P.S.S. – find the highest quality vids of these you can. The photography is quite stunning and a lot is lost with crappy quality video.

        ^Bonobo : Cirrus [Official Video]^

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