The Green Man









I wandered lonely as a Cloud
That floats on high o’er Vales and Hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host of golden Daffodils;
Beside the Lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the Milky Way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced, but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:—
A Poet could not but be gay
In such a jocund company:
I gazed—and gazed—but little thought
What wealth the shew to me had brought:

For oft when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude,
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the Daffodils.

William Wordsworth


There’s always a touch of madness amongst the beauty on my travels.

A big sink hole.



In the Medic Zone.



One of the human spiritual ‘guides’ who has been in tune with the Ascension energies over many years is Celia Fenn. She has recently published an article about Green Man energies which is mirrored in my recent experiences. Click Celia : The wave of awakening in nature and the return of the divine masculine principle in nature.

These energies are (re)awakening the active Masculine Principle in Nature, represented by Uranus in Taurus at this time. It is an intense electrical energy that flows through the natural world bringing active creation and power. This began in February with the massive earthquake in Turkiye, which is one of several zero point seed stations for the Planet.

This energy was understood by your ancestors as Pan, the deep and creative Masculine God/Energy of Nature. The Druids, an ancient priesthood of the Celtic people of Europe, honoured the Divine Masculine in Nature and understood this force as the “Green Man”. He was represented as an Elder Man wearing a crown of Royal Oak leaves to signify his deep connection to the Forest world.

The Forest world is re-emerging and reclaiming what was lost. The Electrical Masculine principles will move like lightning to strike in unexpected ways and places as Gaia/New Earth seeks to bring the Planet back into balance. That balance was lost when Humanity disconnected from Nature and sought to “conquer” and “suppress” Nature. What is needed now are Men/Masculine energies who can move into the role of priests and conduits for this emerging energy and direct it with love and compassion.















7 thoughts on “The Green Man

            1. Giro systems date back at least to Ptolemaic Egypt in the 4th century BC. State granary deposits functioned as an early banking system, in which giro payments were accepted, with a central bank in Alexandria. Giro was a common method of money transfer in early banking.

              The first occurrences of book money are not known exactly. The giro system itself can be traced back to the “bancherii” in Northern Italy, especially on the Rialto (a financial center, resembling the modern day Wall Street). Originally these were money changers sitting at their desk (“bancus” = bench) that customers could turn to. They offered an additional service to keep the money and to allow direct transfer from one money store to another by checking the accounts in their storage books. Literally they opened one book, withdrew an amount, and opened another book where the amount was added. This handling was naturally a very regional system but it allowed the money to circulate in the books. This led finally to the foundation of the “Banco del Giro” in 1619 (in Venetian, “Banco del Ziro”) which gave the blueprint for similar banking systems. The usage in German can be seen in the Banco del Giro founded in Vienna in 1703 (to extend the financing business that Samuel Oppenheimer had brought from Venice in 1670).

              Postal giro or postgiro systems have a long history in European financial services. The basic concept is that of a banking system not based on cheques, but rather by direct transfer between accounts. If the accounting office is centralised, then transfers between accounts can happen simultaneously. Money could be paid in or withdrawn from the system at any post office, and later connections to the commercial banking systems were established, often simply by the local bank opening its own postgiro account.

              By the middle of the 20th century, most countries in continental Europe had a postal giro service. The first postgiro system was established in Austria in the early 19th century. By the time the British postgiro was conceived, the Dutch postgiro was very well established with virtually every adult having a postgiro account, and very large and well-used postgiro operations in most other countries in Europe. Banks also adopted the giro as a method of direct payment from remitter to receiver.

              The term “bank” was not used initially to describe the service. The banks’ main payment instrument was based on the cheque, which has a totally different remittance model from that of a giro.

              And Programming. Boys from the black stuff and ‘The good old days’. Half remembered names and TV shows.

              When you are in the Red Zone, you have to pace yourself.

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