Through A Scanner Darkly

Through A Scanner Darkly.



‘Now We’re On A Death Trip’.



Substance D otherwise known as Death.




‘Seasons Don’t Fear The Reaper’ though.

The 1000 petal Lotus trees are blooming everywhere.





Let By.




To Everything There Is A Season.


37 thoughts on “Through A Scanner Darkly

  1. Parasitic thought forms.
    Derivative programming.
    Your thoughts are not your own.
    These are no “syncs”,
    Da Vinci line.
    Just regurgitating what’s been planted.
    Deception inception.

    In that place of “ultimate reality” where there are no buildings and lists and streets and no money and so forth there are probably also no weddings.

        1. Roob

          Since about May time last year when I received a message about the green light I’ve been trying to prepare people. Wasn’t sure how the collapse was would show itself. I had three options – virus, nuclear or alien. And we are still only in March and God knows what is in store for the rest of 2020. And where it’s leading but hopefully to a better place.

            1. Roob

              I’ve been doing my exercises and I’ve been saying to myself Relax and Breathe.

              And I think we’ve just entered Aries. The advice is to stay indoors.

      1. Frank

        It fits with the ‘invisible enemy’.
        Virus, radiation, the alien in our midst.
        As Anon was fond of saying, ‘show me your ID’…and I’ll show you mine. 🙂

        Slow motion waiting for the containment to fail.

  2. Wait I thought the place where there were no buildings, streets, artificial lights and endless lists and only love was called “primitive.” 🤔

    1. Wait. The entire world in lockdown hiding from a bio thing that may kill the bodies that do not exist.
      Wait. The embroidered pope, supposedly in charge of the holy see and closest to some invisible thing, walking through the streets which don’t exist with body guards still protecting his body which supposedly doesn’t exist.
      Which is it?

      The body is condensed breath. Does breath exist? Does it matter?

    2. Wait. “We need new systems”? 🤔
      Like crypto currencies to better squirrel away our faux chi? Digging deeper and deeper vaults in the federal reserves in our heads?
      Go digital or go bust?
      New systems same as the old systems, different cloak? 🤔

      Like watching a new scramble for nuts. Who can hoard the most the fas test.

      We don’t need new “systems”


    “ A white elephant is a possession which its owner cannot dispose of and whose cost, particularly that of maintenance, is out of proportion to its usefulness. In modern usage, it is an object, building project, scheme, business venture, facility, etc., considered expensive but without use or value.”

    Sleight of hand Soh go sh

  4. The white elephant went to spam.

    Anyhoo, I see the “first world“ washing its hands of its white elephants hiding behind a bio thingy

    “A white elephant is a possession which its owner cannot dispose of and whose cost, particularly that of maintenance, is out of proportion to its usefulness. In modern usage, it is an object, building project, scheme, business venture, facility, etc., considered expensive but without use or value.”

  5. Only the Essence is open. And walking through town wonderful to see the Job Centre was shut.

    Essence :

    ‘The basic, real, and invariable nature of a thing or its significant individual feature or features.’

      1. If you like symbols and hopefully a sign of things to come, the Jobcentre doors being shut was very cheery.

        There was just a security man sitting on a chair in the building that I could see. And no one else in there looking for work. I laughed.

        1. Funny.
          Once when Ross got its “in dependence” and vultures within and without were scrambling to hoard the country’s wealth, white elephant contracts were issued left and right to launder the faux chi of the global “leaders”. They had zero basis in reality. But people played along. I knew I’d seen it all when a contract was given to hire soldiers to guard a field of grass.

          Maybe that security guard is meditating.

  6. Sounds and symbols have been inverted to trigger psycho somatic nuttery.
    Religions, golf courses, various projects and properties, the fed reserve are all white elephants that have gone belly up. Couldn’t hide it all with contracts for a wall so they developed the next best thing.
    Sleight of hand.

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