Wheels Within Wheels

Those with long memories may remember a period when it was noticed that a number of the stories appearing in the media seem to be based on James Bond titles.

Caty Purry.

The Prince of Whales and Camilla at the Animal Ball.






‘I Kissed A Girl’ and a London Bus.






A Perfect Storm.




Extra Terrestrial.

Unidentified Flying Objects.




There maybe more but I’ll stop there.

Wheels within Wheels.

Owlesbury Crop Circle. I take the view that if it quacks like a duck, waddles like a duck and looks like a duck it probably is a duck.




Chariots of Fire.

‘I was watching a big storm come in from the north. It was a big cloud with a strong wind, and there was fire flashing from it. Light was shining out all around it. It looked like hot metal[a] glowing in a fire. 5 Inside the cloud, there were four living beings that looked like people. 6 But each one of them had four faces and four wings. 7 Their legs were straight. Their feet looked like calves’ feet, and they sparkled like polished brass. 8 Under their wings were human arms. There were four living beings. Each living being had four faces and four wings. 9 The wings touched each other. The living beings did not turn when they moved. They went in the direction they were looking.

10 Each living being had four faces. In the front they each had a man’s face. There was a lion’s face on the right side and a bull’s face on the left side. There was an eagle’s face on the back. 11 Their wings were spread out over them. With two of the wings each living being reached out to touch the one near it, and with the other two wings it covered its body. 12 Each living being went in the direction it was looking. They went wherever the spirit[b] caused them to go, but they did not turn when they moved. 13 That is what the living beings looked like.

Inside the area between the living beings, there was something that looked like burning coals of fire. This fire was like small torches that kept moving around among the living beings. The fire glowed brightly and lightning flashed from it. 14 The living beings ran back and forth—as fast as lightning.

15-16 I was looking at the living beings when I noticed four wheels that touched the ground. There was one wheel by each living being. All the wheels looked the same. The wheels looked as if they were made from a clear, yellow jewel. They looked like there was a wheel inside a wheel. 17 They could turn to move in any direction. But the living beings did not turn when they moved.[d]

18 The rims of the wheels were tall and frightening. There were eyes all over the rims of all four wheels.

19 The wheels always moved with the living beings. If the living beings went up into the air, the wheels went with them. 20 They went wherever the spirit wanted them to go, and the wheels went with them, because the power that moved the living being was in the wheels. 21 So if the living beings moved, the wheels moved. If the living beings stopped, the wheels stopped. If the wheels went into the air, the living beings went with them, because the spirit was in the wheels.’



But this is where it would seem to get complicated. Wheels within Wheels.





Dame Margot Fountain. Wheels within Wheels.




When the last little star has left the sky,
Shall we still be together
With our arms around each other
And shall you be my new romance?


Shall we dance ?


32 thoughts on “Wheels Within Wheels

    1. The Hy brid Big Cats are Coming

      The 319kg beast, named Apollo, was recorded up close in an almost 13-minute-long video, accompanied by two men who spoke about the half-lion, half-tiger as they all went for a casual stroll.

      The footage shows the deadly “liger” being guided by the two men – wildlife conservationist Kody Antle and Mike Holston, known on social media as “The Real Tarzann” – through a private complex in Myrtle
      Beach, South Carolina.


            1. Roob

              And off the grid and the Mirror Verse.

              BBC News – Electrical failure cuts power to all of Argentina and Uruguay, supplier says


              Tierra Del Fuego ( FDT ) : Land of Fire.

              Fuego is the Spanish word for “fire”.

              ‘Tierra del Fuego in the far south is the only area that remains unaffected because it is not connected to the power grid.’

              Francis and Marie and Earthship. Off the grid.


          1. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/2677506002

            Amongst others.

            ‘Video network YouTube responded to critics who have long called on the Google company to clean up its recommendation engine and not offer conspiracy videos in suggested plays.

            In a blog post posted Friday, YouTube said it will begin to reduce recommending “borderline content and content that could misinform users in harmful ways – such as videos promoting a phony miracle cure for a serious illness, claiming the earth is flat, or making blatantly false claims about historic events like 9/11.”

          1. Rain

            You wouldn’t like to run into that on a dark night !

            Let’s say it doesn’t look of this world but there are a lot of strange sea creatures.

    1. Torrid’s Warm.

      1. very hot and dry.
      “the torrid heat of the afternoon”
      synonyms: hot, sweltering, sultry, scorching, boiling, parching, sizzling, roasting, blazing, burning, blistering, tropical, stifling, suffocating, oppressive; More
      full of difficulty.
      “he’d been given a pretty torrid time by the nation’s voters”

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