5 thoughts on “Whether Modification

  1. A blur is a shape or area which you cannot see clearly because it has no distinct outline or because it is moving very fast.

    Blurring the lines.
    A commonly used expression to reference a situation where things are ambiguous or unclear (This would be the gray area). Sometimes meaning to ‘push the envelope’ or test the boundaries of acceptability.


    1. About ‘Grey’ area. ET is definitely there somewhere in timelines. Had my own Close Encounters over the years. Part of reason for the article.

      There seem to be a few levels to ET. One of my Close Encounters implied multi dimensionality which is why I connected Multiverse and Signs videos.

      There is also the As Above element as I see the arrival of ET as a sign of the ending of the separation from the Universe aka God. There is also the question in the human Self whether the Universe / God is friendly which may effect how ET appears.

      And not only but also. One of the questions Arrival asks. If you knew in advance what was going to happen would you still be prepared to go through it.

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