Dark City


Dark City.

On a bright sunny day at noon in April, all the traffic has its lights on.



Darkest Dark.




Figures in the Dream.

Lucy :

“One plus one equals two. That’s all we’ve learned but one plus one has never equalled two. There are in fact no numbers and no letters.”



‘The time is out of joint : O cursed spite, that ever I was born to set it right !’ – Hamlet.





Ragle Gumm – Time Out Of Joint :

‘We have a hodge-podge of leaks in reality.’





Tempus Fugit.




The soft-drink stand fell into bits. Molecules. He saw the molecules, colourless, without qualities, that made it up. Then he saw through, into the space beyond it; he saw the hill behind, the trees and sky. He saw the soft-drink stand go out of existence, along with the counter man, the cash register, the big dispenser of orange drink, the taps for Coke and root beer, the ice-chests of bottles, the hot dog broiler, the jars of mustard, the shelves of cones, the row of heavy round metal lids under which were the different ice creams.

In its place was a slip of paper. He reached out his hand and took hold of the slip of paper. On it was printing, block letters.


Turning away, he unsteadily walked back, past children playing, past the benches and the old people. As he walked he put his hand into his coat pocket and found the metal box he kept there.


Memory. Opening the metal box.








‘Everything that appears in the physical realm is always connected with energy flow at the invisible level.’



From Scientist Study.com :

The original double-slit experiment, performed in 1801 by Thomas Young at the Royal Institution, showed that light acts as a wave. Further experiments, however, showed that light actually behaves as both a wave and as particles—revealing its quantum nature.

These experiments had a profound impact on quantum physics, revealing the dual particle and wave nature of not just light, but other “particles” including electrons, neutrons, and whole atoms.

Now, a team led by Imperial College London physicists has performed the experiment using “slits” in time rather than space. They achieved this by firing light through a material that changes its properties in femtoseconds (quadrillionths of a second), only allowing light to pass through at specific times in quick succession.

Lead researcher Professor Riccardo Sapienza, from the Department of Physics at Imperial, said, “Our experiment reveals more about the fundamental nature of light while serving as a stepping-stone to creating the ultimate materials that can minutely control light in both space and time.”

On repeat.

If a tree falls in a forest.














7 thoughts on “Dark City

    1. Kenneth

      I believe we do know. Accessing the knowledge is the difficult part. There are defences and walls and gatekeepers.

  1. Time out of joint.


    Tempus fugit.



    The soft-drink stand fell into bits. Molecules. He saw the molecules, colourless, without qualities, that made it up. Then he saw through, into the space beyond it; he saw the hill behind, the trees and sky. He saw the soft-drink stand go out of existence, along with the counter man, the cash register, the big dispenser of orange drink, the taps for Coke and root beer, the ice-chests of bottles, the hot dog broiler, the jars of mustard, the shelves of cones, the row of heavy round metal lids under which were the different ice creams.

    In its place was a slip of paper. He reached out his hand and took hold of the slip of paper. On it was printing, block letters.


    Turning away, he unsteadily walked back, past children playing, past the benches and the old people. As he walked he put his hand into his coat pocket and found the metal box he kept there.

    Memory. Opening the metal box.






    1. Please don’t leave me hanging. What happened after he opened the box?

      If it’s like The Indian in the Cupboard, can he recreate the drink stand? It shouldn’t be all that difficult because, as solid as it is, it’s mostly empty space

  2. Mysteriouser and mysteriouser.

    Hakim Sanai of Ghazna :

    A father said to his double-seeing son :
    ‘Son, you see two instead of one’
    How can that be ? the boy replied. ‘If I were there, there would be seem to be four moons up there in place of two.’

    From Wiki :

    The splitting of the Moon (Arabic: انشقاق القمر) is a miracle in Muslim tradition attributed to the Islamic prophet Muhammad. It is derived from Surah Al-Qamar 54:1–2 and mentioned by Muslim traditions such as the asbāb al-nuzūl (context of revelation).

    Early traditions supporting a literal interpretation are transmitted on the authority of companions of Muhammad such as ibn Abbas, Anas ibn Malik, Abdullah ibn Masud and others. According to the Indian Muslim scholar Abdullah Yusuf Ali, the Moon will split again when the day of judgment approaches. He says that the verses may also have an allegorical meaning, i.e. the matter has become clear as the Moon.

    The Quranic verses 54:1–2 were part of the debate between medieval Muslim theologians and Muslim philosophers over the issue of the inviolability of heavenly bodies. The narrative was used by some later Muslims to convince others of the prophethood of Muhammad. It has also inspired many Muslim poets, especially in India.



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