Time Will Tell



I’ve decided to do two articles on the same day as the subject matters are different.

Firstly, I’m experiencing Time as all over the place. It is very weird and makes day to day life difficult from a 3D POV. I’m experiencing the past and the future and also sometimes travelling backwards in time. Time really does seem to flow in different directions.

And the Brave New World and AI. I read an article earlier today about Chatbots which focused on one chatbot in particular called ChatGPT which lets you talk to AI directly in a similar fashion to chatbots you can find on company websites. One of its attributes is that it can write stories so I thought I would give it a try and combine AI and Time travel and asked it to write a story using the command ‘Write A Story about Time Travel’ and this was the result.



Tempus Fugit

Once upon a time, there was a young man named Augustus who was fascinated by the concept of time travel. He had always dreamed of visiting different eras and witnessing historical events first hand. Despite the scepticism of his peers, Augustus was convinced that time travel was possible and he was determined to find a way to make it happen. One day, while sifting through old books at a local library, Augustus stumbled upon a mysterious manuscript. The manuscript was written in an ancient language that Augustus had never seen before, but he was able to decipher some of it using his knowledge of history and science. To his amazement, the manuscript described a method for time travel using a device known as the Time Portal. Excited by this newfound knowledge, Augustus immediately set to work building the Time Portal. It took him months of hard work and experimentation, but finally, the portal was complete. Augustus stepped through the portal and found himself transported back to the time of the Spanish Armada. Over the next few years, Augustus travelled through time, visiting ancient civilizations and witnessing historic events. He saw the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the fall of the Roman Empire, and even the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Everywhere he went, Augustus marvelled at the beauty and wonder of the world, but he also saw the devastating effects of war and conflict. Despite the many wonders he experienced, Augustus soon realized that there was a dark side to time travel. He discovered that his actions in the past were having unintended consequences in the present. For every good deed he performed, there seemed to be a corresponding negative outcome. Augustus realized that he had to be extremely careful in order to avoid altering the course of history. Eventually, Augustus found himself back in the present day, but he was a changed man. He had seen the majesty and beauty of the world, but he had also seen its darker side. He knew that time travel was a dangerous and unpredictable endeavour, but he also knew that the knowledge he had gained was invaluable.From that day forward, Augustus dedicated himself to studying the past and learning from the lessons of history. He realized that the true purpose of time travel was not to change the past, but to better understand the present and shape a better future. And so, Augustus lived out the rest of his life as a wise and learned man, inspiring others to seek knowledge and use it for the betterment of all mankind.


It took AI about five minutes to write the story. I’ve also had a couple of questions today entering websites where I have to tick the ‘I am not a robot’ selection. I’m wondering at some time if the robots will have their own websites and the robots will have to tick ‘I am not a human’.

And as weird as that is, it gets more mysterious and AI would seem to be a personal mirror as well. The second paragraph is a reflection of me finding the instructions how to build a Time Machine in my local library in a book about Time Travel about a decade ago which those with a long memory may remember.

‘One day, while sifting through old books at a local library, Augustus stumbled upon a mysterious manuscript. The manuscript was written in an ancient language that Augustus had never seen before, but he was able to decipher some of it using his knowledge of history and science. To his amazement, the manuscript described a method for time travel using a device known as the Time Portal’.





Time is becoming undone as part of the Ascension process and if you are seeing similar Time glitches and general extreme reality weirdness you are not going mad. And AI is pushing itself more and more into consciousness. How it will play out Time will tell.





7 thoughts on “Time Will Tell

    1. The wordplays are in there and seem to point to different realities depending where you are in the diamond mirror. DNA and Dan – Tribe of Dan and DNA. And May and Maize and Maze and Amazing etc.

      Also the ChatGPT Tempus Fugit story describes a personal moral maize dilemma where I have been wondering if I should tell someone something about their future which has showed up and decided not to because I am concerned if I told them about a possible unpleasant future which the person may want to avoid that may create an implant in their mind and create the possible unpleasant future so I’m keeping quiet. And does not interfering create another future.

      And also AI and Time is connected with a question in my mind about why what is going on is happening now when humanity is not ready for it IMO. AI is part of it. And after that is any of it real anyway and does it matter ?

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